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MTG - Wilds of Eldraine

Eldraine is a plane of wondrous chaos and contradictions โ€“ your players will be invited to begin their own storybook adventure, wrapped up in a fantastical fairy tale with a twist to break the curse of endless sleep.

Draft Boosters are the ideal draft boosters. At Booster Draft events, players strategize on the fly, selecting new cards as they enter their hands to build a powerful deck that blows away their opponents. A Draft Booster Display can provide a party of eight players with an incredible experience.

- 30 boosters from the Wilds of Eldraine set
- 12 Magic: The Gathering cards per booster pack
- 1-5 cards of Rare or higher rarity in each booster pack
- 1 Art Card (the Signature Art Card printed in aluminum replaces the Art Card in 10% of Boosters)
- 3-7 uncommon cards
- 3-6 community cards
- 1 Land card (Traditional Foil in 20% of booster packs, Full-Art Land in 33% of booster packs)
- At least 1 borderless special card of Uncommon or higher rarity
- 1 traditional foil card
- 1 publicity card/token, Helper card, or card from "The List" (a special card from the history of Magic or a Universe card within that is found in 25% of booster packs).

Language version Italian ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น
Classification Age 13+


Sale price $250.00
Regular price $272.00You saved$22.00 OFF


MTG - Wilds of Eldraine

Eldraine is a plane of wondrous chaos and contradictions โ€“ your players will be invited to begin their own storybook adventure, wrapped up in a fantastical fairy tale with a twist to break the curse of endless sleep.

Draft Boosters are the ideal draft boosters. At Booster Draft events, players strategize on the fly, selecting new cards as they enter their hands to build a powerful deck that blows away their opponents. A Draft Booster Display can provide a party of eight players with an incredible experience.

- 30 boosters from the Wilds of Eldraine set
- 12 Magic: The Gathering cards per booster pack
- 1-5 cards of Rare or higher rarity in each booster pack
- 1 Art Card (the Signature Art Card printed in aluminum replaces the Art Card in 10% of Boosters)
- 3-7 uncommon cards
- 3-6 community cards
- 1 Land card (Traditional Foil in 20% of booster packs, Full-Art Land in 33% of booster packs)
- At least 1 borderless special card of Uncommon or higher rarity
- 1 traditional foil card
- 1 publicity card/token, Helper card, or card from "The List" (a special card from the history of Magic or a Universe card within that is found in 25% of booster packs).

Language version Italian ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น
Classification Age 13+


MTG - (30 packs) - Wilds of Eldraine ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น
Drawer Title

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