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Harry Potter - Tom Riddle's Diary

A 9 inch resin sculpture of one of the Horcruxes, belonging to "he who must not be named", pierced by the Basilisk tusk.

The basilisk tooth is removable in order to better admire its splendid workmanship, faithful to the original

Dimensions about 23cm


Sale price $104.00
Regular price $135.00You saved$31.00 OFF

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Harry Potter - Tom Riddle's Diary

A 9 inch resin sculpture of one of the Horcruxes, belonging to "he who must not be named", pierced by the Basilisk tusk.

The basilisk tooth is removable in order to better admire its splendid workmanship, faithful to the original

Dimensions about 23cm


Harry Potter - Tom Riddle's Diary
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